
User Research

The point of research for LuckyTruck is to understand and then improve upon current user experiences. This leads to increases in user engagement and satisfaction in our products. For the business, it reduces cost to serve and cost of sales.


Design Lead






UX, Research, Strategy

UX, Research, Strategy

Here is background context about LuckyTruck.

Go to the research

LuckyTruck Website

About LuckyTruck

About LuckyTruck

Launched in 2019, LuckyTruck (LT) is a modern insurance platform for commercial trucking. It is the first all-in-one retail platform exclusively focused on the trucking insurance market.

Problem Statement

We want to to increase the levels of ease, adoption, use, and satisfaction of the LT platform with both truckers and brokers. Reducing friction points and solving issues will increase these factors and help to drive business goals and metrics.

Research Plan


User Journey Maps

Fix broker problems first starting with understanding how brokers are currently working by creating user journey maps


Prototyping to Task-Based Testing

Understand how brokers are currently using the platform (moderated remote usability studies aka task-based testing).


Research Findings and Delivery

Collect information, analyze, and deliver findings.

Main User Groups & Goals


Truck Driver

Commercial truck drivers (truckers) are LT's primary customer. Their primary goal with LT is to purchase and get covered by an insurance policy that covers their drivers, vehicles, and commodities. They are supported by the LT Platform and LT Brokers.


Broker (Sales)

LT Brokers are sales agents who speak with truckers to help them get covered by an insurance policy. They use the platform to support their sales process and communicate with truckers over the phone and email


User Journey Maps

User Journey Maps

I conducted interviews with brokers asked about their work process. I created 5 user journey maps to find critical friction points and understand their work better. After these maps were created, themes were connected and discussed with product and leadership.

Information has been obscured and altered to protect privacy


Prototyping & Task-Based Testing

Prototyping & Task-Based Testing

To start with task based testing, I re-created the entire broker flow as a high-fidelity prototype in Framer. This prototype had live-text fields, interactive buttons, and was a near replica of the platform. I went through this effort to find issues, but also to quickly build conceptual fixes quickly and without interrupting engineering.

Next, I created a research plan

(read top-left to right, then bottom-left to right)

Next, I created a research plan

Recruit 5 Participants Per User Group

Recruit 5 Participants Per User Group

Coordinate a Schedule for Interviews

Coordinate a Schedule for Interviews

Develop a Script of Tasks Users Work Through

Develop a Script of Tasks Users Work Through

Do a Practice Session

Do a Practice Session

Send Reminders

Send Reminders

Run Sessions

Run Sessions

Organize & Analyze Information

Organize & Analyze Information

Show findings to leadership and product team

Show findings to leadership and product team

I created scripts to use with brokers during testing. These scripts had brokers act as if they were on a call with a trucker and needed to complete certain tasks. During the remote session using Google Meet, our PM was the facilitator, while I took notes and ran support.


Research Findings & Delivery

Research Findings & Delivery

For analysis, I would take screen shots and and mark where there were observations. For each observation, there was a consideration on how to fix the issue. Each observation was numbered and given a priority ranking for how critical of a blocker it was for the user. Priority and numbering was great for giving to the PM and engineers to create requirements and turn into sprints.

Information has been obscured and altered to protect privacy. Actual data is much more descriptive and technical

Let's work together

If you have an idea or project you want to discuss, feel free to contact me.


© 2023 Cal Brackin Design

Let's work together

If you have an idea or project you want to discuss, feel free to contact me.


© 2023 Cal Brackin Design

Let's work together

If you have an idea or project you want to discuss, feel free to contact me.


© 2023 Cal Brackin Design